Abstract: Transportation planning is one of the important components to increase efficiency and effectiveness in the supply chain system. Good planning will give a saving in total cost of the supply chain. This paper develops the new VRP variants’, VRP with backhauls, multiple trips, and time window (VRPBMTTW) along with its problem solving techniques using Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and Sequential Insertion as initial solution algorithm. ACO is modified by adding the decoding process in order to determine the number of vehicles, total duration time, and range of duration time regardless of checking capacity constraint and time window. This algorithm is tested by using set of random data and verified as well as analyzed its parameter changing. The computational results for hypothetical data with 50% backhaul and mix time windows are reported.
Keywords: Vehicle routing problem, vehicle routing problem with backhauls, multiple trips, time window, sequential insertion, ant colony optimization, ant system.
The Transportation cost is one of component cost in logistic system which has dominated total cost wholly. This transportation cost must be efficient in order to give contribution for decreasing total cost and increasing the firm’s competitive advantage. Finding efficient vehicle routes and its schedule are a representative logistics problem. Vehicle routing problem (VRP) goals to find a set of tour for several vehicles from a depot to a lot of customers and return to the depot without exceeding the capacity constraints of each vehicle at minimum cost. Brandao defines more specific that is distributing products to number of customers in certain region with deterministic demand.
Various types of VRP model have been developed to accommodate various real situations. Suprayogi explained it such as VRP with time windows (VRPTW), VRP with multiple trips (VRPMT), and VRP with simultaneous pick-up delivery (VRPPD). There is a specific variant that discusses the separating service between linehauls customer and backhaul customer, VRP with backhauls (VRPB). Generally, VRPB can be classified as two types of problem; those are VRPB with customer priority and VRPB without customer priority.
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